
Frequently Asked Questions

How quickly can I finish My Degree Program?

Our programs are flexible in terms of its pace. You can continue studying in your desired program at the pace that suits your learning style and knowledge level commensurate with your work-life balance. We’ll help you get there with the pace that you choose!

We also provide you with Actionable Resources for each course that will help you accelerate your learning!

The basic model of our education system is competency-based which means that you have to pass assessments and assignments to show that you can perform the required tasks. 

Typically some bachelor’s degree programs will take 3+ years, and some master’s degrees will take 1+ years. However our degree programs are designed to help students accelerate their learning.

Our unique education model allows students to move through courses as quickly as they can master the material. This means that on average students finish a bachelor’s degree program in one year or less, and master’s degree program in 6 months or less.

What Can I Achieve After Finishing My Degree?

It doesn’t matter if you are here to do a Bachelor of Arts (TEFL) or Master of Arts (TEFL), we can assure you that you will be getting more than just a degree in both scenarios. 

Here’s what you’ll walk away with…

  1. Your Degree Certificate
  2. Your Degree Transcript
  3. Your Degree Authentication Letter
  4. Your Teaching License
  5. Bonus: Your Premium 140 Hours TEFL Certificate

The incredible thing about teaching TEFL/ESL is that would-be instructors get to decide where and how they want to do it. Finding a job that fits preferences and individual lifestyle choices will not be difficult with the backing of proper academic credentials, such as a BA degree and TEFL certification. Eg: Go to for teaching abroad and for Teaching Online jobs!

Ultimately, one can decide to teach online, teach abroad, or both in order to gain more experience and earn more money.

With the world becoming a more connected place, the demand for English speakers and TEFL teachers is at an all-time high. Admittedly teaching is a vast field and a degree within a specialized niche level of teaching namely English as a foreign language (TEFL/ESL), allows you to compete at a scale that can not only open the door to increased earning potential, it can change families and communities for generations.

Are There Any Payment Plans for Tuition Fees?

The University may set fees for enrolment – inclusive of application fees, tuition fees and student services as follows:

  • Bachelor’s Degree: $1200
  • Masters Degree $3000

Financial considerations:

Payment plans are structured as follows:

  • Bachelor’s Degree: Full payment of $1200 or Two month payment plan.

Two consecutive payments of $600 

      –     Master’s Degree: Full payment of $3000 or Three months payment plan

            Three consecutive payments of $1000 

  • 140 Hours TEFL Certificate: Full payment of $200 – Once off payment only

For all courses, candidates get to start the program of their choice immediately after the first payment is made.

NOTE: For all courses candidates get to start the program of their choice immediately after the first payment is made.

Official Certificates will only be issued once candidates have successfully completed a course of study and full and final course payments are received.

How do I Send You Information to qualify for course Credits?

Candidates can simply Contact Us or submit via email ([email protected]), official and complete academic documents as proof together with an updated CV. The admission committee considers several different factors when making admission decisions, including your current/previous academic performance,  letters of recommendation and any previous work experience.

Course credits will be considered for:

  • Previous TEFL or TESOL Certifications 
  • Teaching experience of more than 3 months.
  • Any previous higher learning certification, diploma etc.
  • Any previous work experience in a mentorship, supervisory or leadership role.
Are Soft Copies of Our Certificates Available Too?

We provide every student with a downloadable PDF copy of every certificate that is issued to the student. The original certificates are also sent to our students worldwide through international courier services within ten working days. PDF versions can be used to apply for jobs as most job applications are done online.

Who Can I Contact in Case of Any Academic Query?

Our team of Academic Advisors is always there to answer any of your queries. Simply send us an email, and one of our Academic Advisors will respond typically within a few hours. Generally, our courses are easy to follow and well supported with actionable resources. Nevertheless we are here to help our students if they face any hurdles along the way 

Should I submit completed modules, as and when I finish them, or should I wait until all my modules have been completed, before I submit them?

You can choose to do them both. You can submit the modules individually or collectively when all the modules are completed. But make sure that you don’t send any module incomplete. Keep in mind that grading is done only when all the modules are submitted. But before grading our Academic Advisors check your submission to make sure that everything is complete and in order. In case of any issue with your submission, our Academic Advisors will contact you to fix the issue.

Does BA and MA TEFL Courses have Exams?

There are no traditional exams for our courses. However, there are essays and assignments that students have to complete. These assignments and essays are then evaluated, and a grade is awarded to the students. For ease of reference for future employers, your transcripts will reflect both the UK ‘Honour’ grade as well as the US GPA equivalent. (UK Grades to 4.0 GPA Scale :  According to Fullbright US- UK Commission)

What is The Grading System of the University?

Our grading system is a comprehensive evaluation of your assignments, and as such your Official Transcript will reflect both the UK module marks as well as the US 4.0 GPA system. From our experience this helps your future employers ease of reference in terms of your overall academic performance.

UK Grades to 4.0 GPA Scale :  According to Fullbright US- UK Commission

UK module marks UK degree classification GPA
70+ First-class honours 4.0
65-69 Upper-second class honours 3.7
60-64 Upper-second class honours 3.3
55-59 Lower-second class honours 3.0
50-54 Lower-second class honours 2.7
45-49 Third class honours 2.3
40-44 Third class honours 2.0
35-39 Ordinary/Unclassified 1.0
Below 35 Ordinary/Unclassified 0.0
How does the University Afford to Keep Its Tuition Fees Low?

Our students are our main priority. Grace Hardison University is a deliberate humanitarian mission, and as such we don’t have any shareholders. We also try to keep our operating costs low. And since we’re an exclusively correspondence university, we don’t need to maintain expensive classroom buildings, a campus, and other non-academic programs. Our academic advisory board members and tutors contribute holistically towards sustainable, innovative and actionable TEFL teaching standards directed at student excellence. 

How Is It Different from Traditional Classes?

Compared to traditional classes, we don’t focus on credit hours or attendance. Our primary goal is to develop the necessary skills you need to be successful. If you already have knowledge or experience in teaching TEFL, ESL, TESOL, you’ll be able to draw upon this experience to complete assignments faster, ultimately saving you both time and money. If not, our programs are supported by comprehensive resources that will help you accelerate your studies.

What Are the Benefits of a TEFL Degree?

Your TEFL degree helps you learn skills and earn credentials that will boost your résumé and prepare you for a meaningful TEFL teaching career both online or abroad. Either a bachelor’s or master’s degree will be key in helping you be prepared for a new job, promotion, or salary increase. 

The incredible thing about teaching Tefl /ESL is that you get to decide how you want to do it! Finding a job that fits your preferences and lifestyle choices shouldn’t be difficult with the backing of your academic credentials (Degree and TEFL certification). 

You can decide to teach online or teach abroad (Teach, travel, explore!), or get to do both to gain more experience and earn more money!  With the world becoming a more connected place, the demand for English speakers and TEFL teachers is at an all-time high.

Does the university offer any Other Courses?

Our institution offers no other courses. We are a specialist TEFL university.

We sincerely commit to giving you our very best!

Our combined experience of many years as TEFL teachers in various countries and institutions ensures that we bring you the most innovative and current teaching methodologies and perspectives in an ever changing classroom dynamic.

Our belief is that specialization enables the teacher to adequately address detailed higher order questions in the field (BA and MA TEFL) of study thereby enabling the teacher to demonstrate a clear conceptual and systematic understanding of the course content and advance their careers accordingly.

Will the University Validate My Certificates if My Potential Employer or Agency Contacts the University?

Any institution, employer, or agency can validate your certificate by entering your Official Names and  Unique Certificate ID issued on your certificate by simply contacting us via the website. The details, authenticity, and credentials of the certificates will be verified by our academic advisory board. 

What is The Procedure to Get My degree Notarized?

You need to provide original documents and copies thereof to a notary public, or a lawyer and he/she will notarize your degree and stamp those copies as notarized original copies of your documents. Once notarized, you will need to have your documents authenticated by the relevant Government authority in your home country- (usually the department of foreign affairs/relations). If you are in a foreign country, you can send your degree back to your country via courier service, or you can give it to an agent who acts on your behalf to have your documents notarized and authenticated. You can also go to your country’s embassy to get your degree notarized if you are in a foreign country.